A lot has happened since I last posted, which is exactly why I haven’t had the opportunity to write until now.
Since my last post, my beautiful, wonderful fiance' David came to visit. We had a fantastic time. It was his first time in Central America. We spent our days wandering the streets of Antigua, visiting ruins, eating local food, shopping, and drinking just a little too much Gallo.
While here, I took David to visit the children of Hermano Pedro- the only public hospital in Antigua and the place where I have the privilege of volunteering. We brought the children ripe bananas to mash up and enjoy as a snack (I was inclined to bring loads of candy and sweets, but I got a firm NO from the staff). While visiting, David and I talked to Maynor, as he sat in his wheelchair eating his arroz and frijoles for lunch. He really is one the sweetest kids I have ever met, always smiling and asking questions. He took a great interest in David, asking him if he was my novio (boyfriend), where he lived, and whether he had a mom and dad. It made my heart explode with happiness to see David enjoying spending time at the hospital with the children, as I watched Elmer crawl around on the ground (as he had managed to escape from his wheelchair!) and squeel with laughter as David allowed Elmer to grab onto his leg and be pulled across the ground for a free ride.
I remember my first visit to the hospital two years ago and how shocking it was. The overall sanitation is way below US standards and the cribs that the children sleep in are large and metal and nearly resemble dog kennels. There are not enough nurses to meet the children's needs and volunteers help clean bottles and other dishes by hand in a giant pilla full of water...the water isn't even hot. But the hospital does what it can with the resources that it has and without this place it is unlikely that most of these children would still be alive, as they all have special needs that require medical attention and ongoing care...resources and knowledge that their families don't have As on outsider you can either look with tears of sadness at the children or with tears of joy knowing that they have been given a chance at life when all odds were against them.
However, the one thing that I can say with certainty is that God's presence in this hospital ward is overwhelming and that the strength these children have trumps anything I have ever seen in my life. They are all incredibly resilient and have such huge hearts despite their circumstances, as some have been abandoned in garbage dumps, while others have been sexually and physically neglected and abused. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t walk away from that hospital feeling overwhelmed by how much courage and strength their tiny bodies hold and how blessed I am to have the opportunity to spend time with them.
So as I reflect on what the past ten weeks here in Guatemala has shown me so many things come to mind. But one in particular is the power of love. Love, the most powerful emotion that we as humans will ever know, can do amazing things. This is something that I have witnessed first hand since I have been here in Guatemala. It’s evident in the faces of street children who have been given the opportunity to attend school and have a nutritious meal to eat during lunchtime or the children at the hospital who are celebrating a fellow wardmate’s birthday with a giant piƱata and loads of cheap, sugary cake.
I strongly believe in Desmond Tutu’s philosophy that we cannot recognize our own humanity unless we recognize how interconnected our humanity is to those around us...when one of us hurts..we all hurt. In this sometimes cold and corrupt world we need one another and that need, at its core, isn’t concerned with wealth, race, age, or social status. That need comes from the need to feel loved, connected, and comforted at all times of our lives and most especially during our times of despair. Love and a soft heart can do powerful things- this is something I am learning more and more each day. Make an effort everyday to share a little bit of the love that you have in your heart with someone else, these small grains of compassion will change the world.
The handsome Maynor enjoying a fiesta! |
Our very own mischievous Elmer! |
And of course, my favorite little love Lesly..she has stolen my heart.. |